
Options to fit your financial situation and enjoy your money.

Main Theme Styles:

This is the theme version of the H4 style designation mostly used for subheads.

This is the theme style for H2

This is the theme version of the standard paragraph style. This is the theme version of the standard paragraph style. This is the theme version of the standard paragraph style. This is the theme version of the standard paragraph style.

This is the theme version of the H3 style designation mostly used for more noticeable headings.

This is the theme version of the H5 style designation mostly used for small headings.
This is the theme version of the H6 style designation mostly used for fine print.

Image Sizes & Notes:

This is the theme version of the standard paragraph style. This is the theme version of the standard paragraph style. This is the theme version of the standard paragraph style. This is the theme version of the standard paragraph style.

Black #000000

Blue #0054A6

Grey #54595F

Lime Green #A4d233

Light Blue #A6DDE5

Grey #7A7A7A

Allowed Color Combinations:

These color combinations are approved according to accessibility tests.
MECU color chart with ADA compliant color combinations